Cultural associations in Versilia

In the territory of Versilia are some cultural associations, some aimed at preservation and dissemination of the artistic heritage of the city are also working to protect rights and welfare of citizens.

Asart, Sculptors and Artists Association Pietrasanta

Association since 2000 that deals with exhibitions and conferences to promote art by opening the doors to a number of artists who intend to build a name in Italian art scene and beyond. It now includes about 120 artists who have the opportunity to work in the area where Apuo-Versiliese are hollow bronze and marble.

RE.A Social Cooperative Society (onlus) Viareggio

This cooperative operates several services throughout the town of Lucca in agreement with public entities, Usl Companies, Private Entities. The main services it offers are: home services for children and elderly, day centers and aggragazione for children, elderly and disabled, Health care residences for the elderly, and disabled adults, residential and semi Community for children and disabled and Services for Children.

Centro Culturale "Luigi Russo"

Always the center of major artistic events in the Cloister and the Sale of Putti makes provisions exhibitions of painting, sculpture and photography. In Exhibition dell'Annunziata generally held conferences. The church hosts the other hand, thanks to good acoustics, even concerts.

Via S. Agostino, 1 - 55045 Pietrasanta (LU)

Viareggio Carnival Foundation

It 'the highest reference body for the event of the Carnival of Viareggio. Takes care of organizing the event fully, from the first sketches of participants to date, by visitors who take part in the course Masked districts, the funding earmarked for artists to those for the final prizes.

Piazza Mazzini, 22 c / o Palazzo delle Muse 55049 Viareggio

Language Institute Mediterranean Viareggio

Organizes Italian courses for foreigners and offers the chance to join several packages ranging from one week to entire months.

Piccolo Teatro Sperimentale of versilia Seravezza

Headquartered in fractions of Seravezza, Viareggio, Forte dei Marmi and Camaiore, this school offers the opportunity to attend courses in acting for adults and children. Various activities managed by a body of well-prepared teachers.