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Events in Versilia

Introducing a list of events that take place every year in Versilia!

Carnival of Viareggio, Italy and Europe.

From Jan. 20 took away the best-known event in Viareggio which will extend until February 10 with the last being masked, the awards ceremony and closing.

For all information is available at www.viareggio.ilcarnevale.com

Europa Cinema Festival

From 15-19 April 2008, Viareggio hosts one of the most important events of the year. Now in its twenty-fifth edition, this year the exhibition will be devoted to a country Europeo, in this case Germany.

For more information, see www.europacinema.it

Repace Viareggio Literature Prize

Since 1929 is one of the most important literary reviews and ancient Italy. Over the years he has seen as rewarding writers Tabucchi, Barricato, Veronesi and many others.

For more information about the program is available www.premioletterarioviareggiorepaci.it

Team World Youth Soccer 'Cup Carnival "

Kicks off the tournament again this Carnival, at its sixtieth edition. From January 28 to 11 February meetings take place and only one will be the team that will award the trophy Carnival, an important recognition, which were discovered Over the years, the promises of Italian football and imternazionale.

Progranmma and calendar lots at the site www.torneoviareggio.it

Theater Festival Song

Review dedicated to the legendary Giorgio Gaber. Www.giorgiogaber.it

Cittadella Jazz and More

Every summer takes place this event which sees the alternation of Italian and foreign artists and collecting huge success every year.

For more information www.comune.viareggio.it

Puccini Festival

The Puccini Festival Foundation offers an annual overview of the most important operas of the maestro Giacomo Puccini. An exciting way to go to the culture that each year draws thousands of spectators. All this together with a wonderful atmosphere, the event is held on the shores of the lake.

Program available at www.festivalpuccini.it